The MaxiBlocks Context Loop

A loop represents multiple items such as posts or products which can be displayed by a given criteria. Use the Context Loop feature to create a blog or shop index page, or an archive page, for example.

  1. Start off by adding a container.

Choose any number of columns you would like. Let’s choose 6 columns for example.

Enable the repeater to speed up the next step

Select the column

We can display 3 columns per row by setting each column’s width to 33.333%.

Now let’s fill this in with the content. Keep the repeater on to save time and insert the Text Maxi block inside the first column:

Repeater will do its magic and a text block will be added to all 6 columns.

You may disable the repeater now and use it again when needed.

Select each text block and set it to display the dynamic data:

Choose to show the post title for example.

When you did this for all 6 text blocks, you can now enable the Context loop. Select the row again

From the sidebar set to use the context loop:

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