Creating a sticky menu with MaxiBlocks

Hey, want to make your website's navigation menu stick around even when people scroll down the page? It's a great way to improve the user experience and make it easier for folks to find what they're looking for. Here's how you can create a sticky menu using the MaxiBlocks plugin:

Step 1: Find the menu container

  • First, click on the element that holds all your menu items. This is usually called the MaxiBlocks menu container.

Step 2: Open the advanced settings

  • Look for the "Advanced Settings" option. It might be in a sidebar or a panel, depending on the theme you're using.

Step 3: Change the position to "Sticky"

  • In the "Position" panel, use the dropdown menu to change the position from "default" to "Sticky".

Step 4: Adjust the sticky settings

  • When you select "Sticky", you'll see some extra options pop up. Open the "Set equal settings" and set the "Top" value to "0". This makes sure the menu stays put at the top of the page when people scroll.

Step 5: Check it out and save

  • Save your page and then log out of your WordPress account. The admin bar might overlap with the menu if you're logged in, so it's best to check it as a regular visitor. Refresh the page and give it a scroll to see your new sticky menu in action!

And there you have it! You've just made a user-friendly sticky menu

Now, you might be wondering why you'd want to make your navigation stick in the first place. Well, there are a few good reasons:

  1. It's super convenient for people visiting your site. They don't have to scroll all the way back up to the top to find their way around, which is especially handy on phones where nobody wants to be swiping forever.
  2. A sticky menu keeps people engaged with your site. When they can see all their options right there, they're more likely to stick around and check out what else you've got to offer.
  3. If you've got a big website with lots of different sections, a sticky menu can keep people from getting lost or frustrated when they're trying to find something specific.
  4. And if you're trying to sell something or get people to take action, having those important buttons like "Contact Us" or "Buy Now" always visible can really boost your clicks.

Just keep in mind that you don't want to go overboard with a sticky menu. If it takes up too much space or gets in the way, it might annoy people instead of helping them. But when you do it right, a sticky menu can be a real game-changer for your website's user experience.

More on MaxiBlocks menus

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Creating a Sticky Menu with Maxiblocks

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