Can I use MaxiBlocks without WordPress or export components?

No, MaxiBlocks requires a self-hosted WordPress site with a modern block-based theme like the MaxiBlocks Theme, Twenty Twenty Four(TT4) or TT3. You cannot export individual components, but you can copy and import entire MaxiBlocks patterns or pages as code within the same WordPress environment.

Exporting and importing MaxiBlocks pages in WordPress Gutenberg

While you cannot export individual MaxiBlocks components, you can copy and import patterns or full pages built with MaxiBlocks as code. This lets you transfer pages between WordPress sites with the same MaxiBlocks version installed. It is useful for duplicating page designs and layouts across multiple sites.

How to copy and import MaxiBlocks patterns and pages:

  1. In the Gutenberg editor, open the page you want to export. Click the three dots in the top right and select "Code Editor" to switch to code view.
  2. Select all code with Ctrl/Cmd+A and copy it with Ctrl/Cmd+C.
  3. In the target WordPress site, create or open a page in Gutenberg.
  4. Switch to code view.
  5. Delete any existing code. Paste the copied code with Ctrl/Cmd+V.
  6. Click "Exit code view" to have MaxiBlocks visually construct the page in the editor. Wait for the hydration/build process to finish and for the page editor to become interactive. Now you can edit if you need to. OR click "Update" to save, then preview the imported page.

This copies and imports full MaxiBlocks pages as code between WordPress sites with MaxiBlocks installed. It lets you reuse page designs across sites.

Future development

We are developing a "Liberator" product to simplify migrating to MaxiBlocks. It is early in development, with more details coming later.

Current workaround

For now, you'll need to manually build sites with MaxiBlocks. Although it requires extra effort, the results are worth it. Stay tuned for "Liberator" to simplify migration in the future.

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