MaxiBlocks WordPress plugin installation requirements


First things first, make sure you're running WordPress version 6.0 or later. This will ensure that the Maxi Blocks plugin works perfectly with your site. And hey, while you're at it, why not use the latest WordPress version available? It's always good to stay up to date with the latest and greatest!

PHP 8.1 or 8.2 (8.0 works but is already on the way out)

PHP version 8.1 or 8.2 or higher is required to install MaxiBlocks. Ideally, you should run the minimal supported version or higher: See the latest and supported PHP versions.


The great news is that the MaxiBlocks plugin can be used with any WordPress theme. Yay! However, keep in mind that some themes might have custom styles that could affect the MaxiBlocks styles. Just something to be aware of.

Child theme

Lastly, we should talk about child themes. While it's not required to have one installed, it can be really helpful. Child themes allow you to make modifications to the parent theme without losing changes on theme updates. You can also use them to write your own code. It's all about flexibility and making things easier for you!

Happy creating!

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