Compatibility and recommendations for MySQL Versions with MaxiBlocks

MaxiBlocks Compatibility with MySQL

Optimized Version

MaxiBlocks is optimized for MySQL 8.0+ or MariaDB 10.4+ and higher.

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Database version requirements

If you’re using MySQL or MariaDB, it’s required to use the minimum versions for enhanced security, better performance, and full feature compatibility.

  1. MySQL 8.0+ (higher if possible)
  2. MariaDB 10.4+ (preferably 10.11 or higher)

MySQL 8.0 and MariaDB 10.4 offer several new features and improvements that enhance the security and performance of your database compared to the previous versions.

To upgrade to the latest version of your database, contact your hosting support or check the official documentation to do it yourself.

Advantages of Using MySQL 8.0 or Higher with MaxiBlocks

Performance Improvements

MySQL 8.0 offers better performance features.

Enhanced Security

It includes advanced security features that protect your data more effectively.

Risks of Using Older MySQL Versions

Security Vulnerabilities

Older versions like MySQL 5.7.39-42 may have security vulnerabilities.

Limited Responsibility:

MaxiBlocks may work on these versions, but the company does not take responsibility for issues arising from using outdated software.


Updating MySQL: It is advised to consult with your hosting provider about updating to the latest stable version of MySQL.

Security and Reliability: Updating ensures the security and reliability of your site.


If you have any questions or require further assistance regarding MySQL versions and MaxiBlocks, please contact our support team.

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