How to make your images the same size

When uploading images to your pattern and the images are different sizes, use Maxi’s built- in image ratio settings to fix this in seconds

Image ratio settings refer to the aspect ratio of an image, which is the proportion of the width to the height.

Here are Maxi's default image ratio settings:

1:1 Square

This image ratio is a perfect square, with equal width and height dimensions. It is often used for social media profile pictures and product images.

4:3 Standard

This image ratio has a width that is 4/3 times the height. It is a standard size for digital cameras and is often used for photos and video.

16:9 Widescreen

This image ratio has a width that is 16/9 times the height. It is a standard aspect ratio for high-definition video and is often used for YouTube videos and movies.

3:2 Classic

This image ratio has a width that is 3/2 times the height. It is a common aspect ratio for film photography and is often used for printing.

2:3 Panorama

This image ratio has a width that is 2 times the height. It is often used for landscape and panoramic photography.

Image ratio settings are important to consider when designing or selecting images for a project, as they can impact the overall look and feel of the design.

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