
Complete customisation options for each block are located in the sidebar. To access them, click on the block you want to edit. The sidebar will appear on the right side of the screen, where you can adjust all the settings for the block. This includes changing the content, adjusting the layout, fine-tuning the design, adding effects and more.

Overall, the sidebar is your go-to place for customising each block on your page. It's a simple and intuitive way to create stunning designs and layouts.

Sidebar tabs

Settings tab

The settings tab is where you will make most of the customisations to your block. This is where you can adjust the block's background, typography, sizing (width and height), spacing (margins and padding), and more.

Under the background section, you can set a background colour, gradient, or image for the block. You can also adjust the opacity, position, and other options.

In the typography section, you can customise the font size, family, weight, line height, and other text-related settings. You can also use the typography expansion panel to control all the typography settings on your page.

The sizing section allows you to change the block's width and height in pixels, percentages, or other units of measurement. You can also set the maximum and minimum width and height.

Lastly, in the spacing section, you can adjust the margins and padding of the block. This is useful for fine-tuning the spacing between blocks and for creating a clean, organised layout on your page.

Canvas tab

Some blocks have the canvas area, which surrounds the block and can be separately designed. You can change its sizing, spacing, colours and more.

Advanced tab

The advanced tab is where the real magic happens. It offers advanced settings for those who want to take their designs to the next level. Here, you can add animations and custom CSS, among other things. However, please note that these settings are intended for experienced users who have a good understanding of web design and development.

In the advanced tab, you can also add custom classes and IDs to the block, which can be useful for applying specific styles or targeting the block with JavaScript. Additionally, you can set the block's visibility and position.

If you're not familiar with web design and development, it's best to stick to the basic and style tabs. But if you have experience in these areas, the advanced tab is a great way to achieve the exact design you have in mind.

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